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Direito Penal – The dialectics of public security and the challenges to combat transnational crime in the framework of irregular wars

Artigo em coautoria do Dr. Rivaldo Ribeiro Sobral Neto, na revista de âmbito internacional RESEARCH, SOCIETY AND DEVELOPMENT ABSTRACT: The following study aims to assess the perspective of transnational crime as a challenge to public security in the context of new combat tactics used by criminal organizations. The role of the Armed Forces and their…

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Direito Tributário – Ecological ICMS: the experience of some brazilian states and possibilities for the State of Bahia

Artigo em coautoria do Dr. Rivaldo Ribeiro Sobral Neto, na revista de âmbito internacional RESEARCH, SOCIETY AND DEVELOPMENT ABSTRACT: The study aimed to examine a viable alternative to the issue of environmental problems, which is the insertion of environmental taxation, through the ICMS Ecológico, an instrument of public policy that enables States to promote…

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